Hypnobirthing Course

The hypnobirthing course is a extensive childbirth course for you and your partner. During the course you both learn how to truly relax. These techniques you will use on the day of the birth to welcome your baby in a calm way. All the deep relaxation techniques are backed with loads of practical information for the birth. During these two mornings you receive a complete birth preparation. And naturally you both will become a team for the birth of your baby.

What is hypnobirthing?

Easy to do and very relaxing.

Hypnobirthing consists of relaxing exercises. They are used as a preparation for giving birth. During the course, you learn easy ways to release fears, worries and doubts concerning the birth. You will practice using your breath and focus. The exercises are easy to do and very effective. The audio sessions and the exercises will bring you more relaxation, guidance, support, a positive focus and a feeling of being more in control during the birth.

The relaxation coming from the exercises have a positive effect on your mind and body. The process of giving birth is influenced by, whether you are relaxed or stressed. Stress causes a hormonal production that has a negative influence on your child’s birth. While the body produces important birthing hormones when you relax. These will have a positive influence on the birthing process. And can make birthing more swiftly and less painful.

For most people, it’s challenging to relax in a moment of such importance as the birth of your child. That’s why practising in advance with relaxation techniques is very helpful. Releasing all the negative thoughts in advance will make you feel more self assured and more self-empowered. With doing the exercises you reach deeper thoughts. With hypnobirthing, you can release fears, worries and doubts. And clear the pathway for birthing with trust in a calm way. This is why hypnobirthing is such an effective preparation for birth.

Hypnosis is another word to describe a calm relaxed state with focus. Everybody goes into such a state several times a day. For example, when you are driving, walking, reading, listening or dancing. While you relax, you are still aware and attentive. During the birth (and the course) you are conscious. And at all times you empower your own decisions.

Mucha Mama Hypnobirthing

A simple, but yet very effective birth preparation for every pregnant couple.

Mucha Mama Hypnobirthing is developed for contemporary couples. Your own ideas and needs are central during the relaxation exercises. The exercises will be adapted to empower your positive thoughts. They are also adapted to fit you and your partner making it more naturally and personally. This enhances the effectiveness of the relaxation method. Mucha Mama hypnobirthing is easy to do. It empowers you in a comfortable way that feels natural and joyful.

Hypnobirthing Course Materials

Childbirth Course Hypnobirthing Mucha Mama Eindhoven
  • Cares for your story

  • Easy to do

  • Practical exercises

  • Very effective

  • Online Course Materials

  • Together with your partner

  • Extra support for inducing the birth

  • Extra support for breech position

  • Everthing fully in English

Hypnobirthing Course Materials


Hello Elke,

I have been to one of your mucha mama hypnobirthing class last July.
First of all I wish you a very happy new year!!

I never took the time to thank you after the birth of my daughter! Liv was born on August 22nd with no medical aid. The relaxing exercices you taught us really helped! The dilatation phase from 0 to 9 was pretty easy to handle, I was very relaxed! Then we went to the hospital (our choice), my midwife broke the water and after that it was quite more difficult to handle everything… I think I have been surprised by the intensity of the waves! But then I managed to concentrate and I focused on the waves and on my baby girl! My partner Moussa has also been of a great help! He has been an amazing coach! The pushing phase lasted 1h15 and with the help of a cut, Liv was born 6 hours after the beginning of the first waves!

What a magical and wonderful moment! I was under a shock of happiness!

So a huge thank you for what you taught us!! I will definitely go with hypnobirthing if we have a second baby!

Kind regards,


Audrey & Moussa Hypnobirthing Experience

The hypnobirthing workshop with Elke was a great experience and we enjoyed the whole day. The explanations and exercises gave both of us a feeling of empowerment and made us look forward to the day of our son’s arrival. After the course I used the audio sessions regularly. I also got in touch with Elke about a week before the due date to get the labor induction audio session, which felt very helpful at this stage.

Once the waves finally started, they continuously built up and after a while I started to use the visualization we had practiced. At a certain moment, the waves were so intense that I did not manage to use the visualization but just counted out my breathing. Trying the different options for the breathing exercises during the hypnobirthing workshop and practicing them afterwards was a great preparation for birth. It enabled me to easily switch from one option to another without thinking too much. Our midwife was quite impressed how well I managed to breathe and stay relaxed during the waves.

We can really recommend the hypnobirthing workshop as it felt very empowering. It also gave us a very positive attitude towards birth, which helped us also during some other information sessions.

Manuela & Neil Hypnobirthing Experience

Dear Elke,

I hope you are doing well.
I would like to share my birth experience with you.

Our son due date was 21.9., so we had to schedule an induction in the hospital for 30.9. As I had a C-section before, doctors did not want to wait too long.

I was really hoping for natural birth without any interventions, however, I was prepared mentally that maybe this will not be completely possible, and this helped me to stay calmer. I also tried some acupressure to help Luca start by himself, and I talked to him the night before that I would really need his help to move his little butt, and decide to arrive by himself to avoid any medication for him and me, too.

At 2 am I started having irregular and light contractions, I could not sleep any longer, so I was on a fitball listening to dilation hypnobirthing music/meditation. When we arrived at the hospital at 1 pm for the planned induction (placing balloon in), the doctor confirmed that I was 2 fingers open and having contractions. They sent me home, but later on at 8pm, we were back in the hospital as contractions were already regular and intense. Sergio and the whole medical team helped me breath in and out, gave me a wireless monitor so I could use a shower and even suggested me to change positions to help me with pain. Luca was born at 0.55 am naturally without any medication 4.180kg!!!
They did do the membrane sweep to me at the beginning, had to break the membranes and slightly help with vacuum to get him out in the end.
Despite this, I had a great experience, I managed to breathe thru contractions (which was my main worry before), Sergio was helping me breathe and reminding me to relax my shoulders.

So thank you for the course and all the information, I am happy we participated.
Michaela & Sergio

Michaela & Sergio Hypnobirthing Experience

Click on the dots to read the birthing stories.

Hypnobirthing Course Dates & Booking

Join & Receive a full birth preparation with lots of information and relaxation. 

Course dates
Sunday 6 & 20 October 2024
Saturday 30 Nov. & Sunday 1 Dec. 2024
Saturday 8 & Sunday 9 March 2025
Saturday 31 May & Sunday 1 June 2025

Booking the Hypnobirthing Group Course

299For you and your partner together
  • Complete birth preparation at a lovely location
  • Including all course materials
  • Payment with IDEAL, Mastercard, Visacard of Paypall
Childbirth Class Course Hypnobirthing Course Pregnancy Course Eindhoven

About Elke

People feel comfortable and at ease during her courses.

Find out more about Elke. (Your hypnobirthing course instructor.) With care, love & lightness she helps you to receive the best preparation possible. For you and your partner to welcome your baby in a positive way.